NIVEA CREME: An All Around Moisturizer

Monday, October 24, 2016

Moisturizers are a must in every beauty routine. It helps our skin lock in the moisture and makes us look healthy and glowing. Due to this, we are in constant search for the perfect one for us. Luckily, I already found a great all around moisturizer (although it's still not perfect due to pimples).

I decided to buy this out of curiosity because every time I look around Watsons, I keep seeing this simple blue tin. I tried to read more about this product but it’s packaging is so simple that there wasn’t any advertisement printed on it. So, I first did my research at home and saw lots of good reviews about this. And after using it for about 4 months, I can absolutely say it was one of the best things I bought.

So, back to the product. This is a heavy cream and a little goes a looooooong way. Seriously. I have been using my 150ml Nivea Creme since July but I haven’t reached half way.

I have been using it almost all over my body. And in case you’re wondering about it’s different uses, the picture down below enumerates how to maximize this moisturizer.

Personally, I used the Nivea Creme as a face moisturizer, lip balm, elbow cream, and cracked heel moisturizer. But due to the appearance of pimples on my face, I stopped. As a lip balm, it did keep my lips moisturized all day even when I applied a drying lip tint. Regarding the elbow and cracked heel moisturizer, it worked wonders for me. It made my skin baby smooth! I also tried this on my hair and again it is also good but I didn’t continue to use it that way due to my extreme laziness.

Anyway, I guess that’s it. I hope you would also give this product a try and I can safely say that you wouldn’t regret it. ;) 

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