Shop Globally with Uskoop

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Buying products in the US requires a lot of patience. It will take us a lot of time in ordering and delivery. And in some instances, the goods delivered are not in good condition.

The good thing is Uskoop is now in existence and has given us great convenience. The nitty-gritty in buying the item is now being handled by Uskoop and at the same time assured of the condition. And as an added bonus, they bring the item right at your doorstep.

 What is Uskoop?

It is a new website that offers a one-stop shopping-and-shipping service for US-based sites. The site will compute the price of all the items to be bought and take care of shipping, customs, & taxes with insurance. Isn’t that great? Instead of worrying about your taxes, they will give the computation right away. Hence, you get to budget your money effortlessly.


How does it work? 

Watch the video below to know how to shop using Uskoop. (Video from Uskoop PH)

Personally, there are several items we want to buy in the US. Since Uskoop is already here, we listed some of the items we want to purchase.

So basically, that is Uskoop. We encourage everyone to go and shop here. And if you do, you can use the 
promo code USKOOPTEN% to get a discount worth 10% off on shipping & handling!

You can also follow Uskoop PH on Instagram and on Facebook for more updates.

A short summary of our post, please watch the video below.

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